Walk All Over Me

 walk all over me.

see how i feel.

when my hands grab at your feet and don't let go.

when i pull you down to make sure you never get back up.

walk all over me and tell me how it feels. 

tell me how it feels to think you're better than me.

tell me how it feels to think that i'm so easy to push around.

walk all over me.

i'll slash your achilles tendons and break all your bones.

i'll make you wish you never walked down the path you chose.

walk all over me just like all my friends.

they keep walking barely acknowledging the fact that i'm already dead.

walk all over me, i'm not even alive.

you couldn't hurt my feelings even if you tried.

keep acting like i'm nothing, keep saying your not scared.

but when i come and get you, you'll know that your fucking dead cause i'm right there.


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